Privacy Policy

1 Introduction

1.1 Yokohama Tyre Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 26 001 361 459) (‘Yokohama’, ‘us’, ‘we’ or ‘us’) has a commitment to privacy in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (‘Privacy Act’) as amended from time to time, and the guidelines and policies of the Australian Privacy Commissioner. This Privacy Policy is provided to make you aware of how we collect, use and manage your: 

(a) "personal information", which means information or an opinion recorded about an individual that makes the individuals  identity reasonably apparent or ascertainable; and

(b) credit related personal information and credit eligibility information (‘credit related information’), including information about your applications for commercial credit and credit accounts with Yokohama and your credit reporting information that we derive from credit reporting bodies (‘CRBs’) and from other credit providers.

1.2 While the Privacy Act uses a variety of terms to the information above, to make it easier to read this policy, we refer to all such information collect from you as ‘personal information’.

1.3 When you engage Yokohama to provide you with any goods or services, apply or complete an application for commercial credit, communicate with Yokohama through email, by telephone, in writing, or use any of Yokohama’s other services, including the Yokohama website, you agree to the use and disclosure of your personal information in the manner described in this policy.

1.4 This policy is also relevant and applies to other individuals we deal with in connection with commercial credit we provide, such as guarantors and directors.

1.5 In making this Privacy Policy, Yokohama does so on the basis that this policy does not replace or limit the requirements of the Privacy Act.

2 Manner and purpose for collection your personal information

2.1 Yokohama collects personal information, such as:

(a) identity particulars such as; your name, address, date of birth,  telephone number, occupation, and drivers licence number;

(b) your bank account details and credit card information;

(c) your credit related information;

(d) information we collect from you for providing our goods and services to you, or when assessing , processing and managing an application by you for commercial credit;

(e) emails, user ID's and passwords;

(f) records of communications with Yokohama;

(g) information about your transactions with us, such as account balances, payment history and account activity;

(h) personal website usage information.

2.2 Yokohama will generally collect and use your personal  information for the primary purpose of:

(a) Yokohama’s general business activities and functions;

(b) assessing and processing an application for commercial credit;

(c) evaluating and monitoring credit worthiness;

(d) for administrative purposes in relation to the ongoing management of your commercial credit arrangement;

(e) communicating with you, including responding to customers' inquiries about goods and services and applications and accounts;

(f) meeting our legal and regulatory requirements;

(g) conducting, improving and developing a business relationship with you;

(h) marketing (such as providing individuals with information about our products and promotional notices and offers); and

(i) improving our website.


2.3 Personal information is only collected:

(a) if necessary for Yokohama’s general business activities and functions;

(b) by lawful and fair means; and

(c) where practicable, only from the individual concerned or from a person acting or authorised to act on the individual’s behalf.

(d) where you have applied for commercial credit or deferred payment, we may also make enquiries with third parties with your consent.  This could include persons nominated by you as trade references, CRBs and your bankers.

2.4 Yokohama takes reasonable steps to ensure that you are aware of:

(a) the likely use of the information;

(b) the right of access to the information;

(c) the identity and contact details of the organisation we have collected the information from;

(d) any law requiring collection of the information; and

(e) the main consequences of failure to provide the information.


3 How we may use and disclose your personal information

3.1 Yokohama may use and disclose your personal information:

(a) for the primary purpose for which the information was collected, such as those described in clause 2.2 above;

(b) where you would reasonably expect this;

(c) where you have consented to us using your personal information for other purposes;

(d) to the extent that it is required to do so by law, in connection with any legal proceedings or prospective legal proceedings, and in order to establish, exercise or defend its legal rights; and

(e) for direct marketing by Yokohama, but giving you the opportunity to opt out of such direct marketing; Yokohama includes its contact details in any direct marketing.

3.2 Where the Privacy Act permits us to do so, we may also disclose the credit related information to CRBs such as Veda or Dunn & Bradstreet, if you apply for commercial credit or request to increase in your commercial credit limit with Yokohama.

3.3 Where Yokohama collects personal credit  information that we are likely to disclose to a CRBs, please note:

(a) the CRBs may include that information in reports provided to Yokohama to assist it to assess your creditworthiness;

(b) if you fail to meet payment obligations in relation to commercial credit or commits a serious credit infringement, Yokohama may be entitled to disclose this to the CRB;

(c) if you are an individual you may access information from Yokohama in accordance with this privacy policy and may access this information for the purpose of requesting Yokohama to correct the information or make a complaint to Yokohama.

3.4 Yokohama will disclose personal information to CRBs only where Yokohama is member of a recognised External Dispute Resolution Scheme (‘EDR Scheme’). If Yokohama discloses your personal information to CRBs, we will provide you written notice prior to that disclosure as well as the details of the recognised EDR Scheme. [RF1] 

3.5 Yokohama does not disclose your personal information for any secondary purposes unless your consent has been given or as required by law.

3.6 Yokohama will not sell or license any personal information that it collects from you.


4 Accuracy and completeness of personal information

4.1 While Yokohama will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information collected from you is accurate, up to date and complete, Yokohama will assume that any personal information provided by you is free from errors and omissions,  is not misleading or deceptive  and complies with all relevant laws.

4.2 If you believe your information is incorrect, incomplete or not current, you can request that we update this information by contacting our Privacy Officer.
To contact our Privacy Officer please see contact details below in paragraph 14.

4.3 Yokohama will correct information it has about you if it discovers, or you are able to show to a reasonable standard, the information is incorrect. If you seek correction and Yokohama disagrees that the information is incorrect, Yokohama will provide you with its reasons for taking that view.

4.4 Yokohama disregards information that seems likely to be inaccurate or out-of-date by reason of the time that has elapsed since it was collected or by reason of any other information in its possession.

5 Storage and security of your personal information

5.1 Yokohama will ensure that the information collected from you is protected and will do everything reasonably  within our power to ensure to prevent unauthorised  use or disclosure of the information. Yokohama protects your personal information from misuse or loss by restricting access to the information in electronic format, and by appropriate physical and communications security.

5.2 Yokohama will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently  de-identify your personal information if it is no longer needed for any purpose for which the information may be use or disclosed.

6 Dealing with unsolicited information

Yokohama takes all reasonable steps to ensure that all unsolicited information is destroyed or de-identified.

7 Anonymity when dealing with Yokohama

Yokohama allows you the option not to identify yourself when dealing with it, only where it is practicable.

8 Using our Website

8.1 As with most websites, when you visit the Yokohama website or use an application on the Yokohama website, Yokohama may record anonymous information such as IP address, time, date, referring URL, pages accessed and documents downloaded type of browser and operating system.

8.2 Yokohama also uses “cookies”. A cookie is a small file that stays on your computer until, depending on whether it is a sessional or persistent cookie, you turn your computer off or it expires. Cookies may collect and store your personal information. You may adjust your internet browser to disable cookies. If cookies are disabled you may still use the Yokohama website, but the website may be limited in the use of some of the features.

8.3 The Yokohama website may contain links to or from other websites. Yokohama is not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites. This privacy policy applies only to the information we collect on the Yokohama’s website. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of other websites you link to from Yokohama’s website.

9 Cross border disclosure

9.1 Your personal information may also be processed by, or disclosed to employees, representatives, or other third parties operating outside of Australia who work for, or are engaged by Yokohama in other countries including, Japan.  For example, Yokohama may use a server hosted overseas to store data, which may include your personal information.

9.2 Yokohama will take reasonable steps, in the circumstances, before your personal information is disclosed to an overseas recipient, to ensure that the overseas recipient does not breach privacy laws in relation to your personal information (‘the reasonable steps’).

9.3 The reasonable steps may not apply if you consent to the disclosure of your personal information to an overseas recipient and we reasonably believe that the overseas receipt is subject to laws that are suitability similar to privacy laws in Australia. 

9.4 If you consent to the disclosure of your personal information to an overseas recipient, the overseas recipient may not be accountable under the Privacy Act, and you will not be able to seek redress for breaches under the Privacy Act.

10 Government identifiers 

Yokohama does not use government identifiers (e.g. tax file numbers or Medicare numbers) to identify individuals.

11 Accessing your  personal information

11.1 Yokohama acknowledges that you have a general right of access to information concerning you, and to have inaccurate information corrected. You are able to access the personal information we hold about you by contacting our Privacy Officer. To contact our Privacy Officer please see contact details below. If access is refused to your information, Yokohama will give you a notice explaining our decision to the extent practicable and your options.

11.2 You are able  to access your personal information held by Yokohama you by contacting our Privacy Officer. To contact our Privacy Officer please see contact details below. If access is refused to your information, as permitted under the Privacy Act, Yokohama will give you a notice explaining our decision to the extent practicable and your options.

12 Complaints and disputes

12.1 If you have reason to believe that Yokohama has not complied with its obligations relating to your personal information under this privacy policy or under the Privacy Act, please refer any compliant to queries to our Privacy Officer (details below).

12.2 We will ensure your compliant is handled by our Privacy Officer in an appropriate and reasonable manner. Were necessary we may consult with a credit reporting body or another credit provider in order to deal with your complaint. A written notice of our decision regarding your complaint will be provided to you. If your not satisfied with the outcome, then you may contact the Office of the Australian Privacy Commissioner:

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Phone: 1300 363 992

12.3 In circumstances where Yokohama is a member of a recognised EDR Scheme and you believe that we have not complied with our obligations regarding the disclosure of your personal information to a CRBs you may refer your complaint the relevant EDR Scheme. Yokohama will advise you of the details of the relevant EDR Scheme.


13 Who should you contact for further information?

13.1 Please refer any queries or complaints about privacy issues to our:

Privacy Officer

Yokohama Tyre Australia Pty. Ltd.  

PO Box 6002, Silverwater NSW 1811

Phone: (02) 8748 2600

Fax: (02) 9737 8014


13.2 The Privacy Officer will endeavour to deal with your inquiry or query as soon as is reasonably practicable.


14 How this policy changes

14.1 This policy may change from time to time. A current version of this policy will be published on Yokohama’s website or may be obtained free of charge upon request.


Yokohama Tyre Australia Ply Ltd ABN: 26 001 361 459

Last Updated:  23 Oct 2024 08:13 AM